believe that local restaurants, taverns, caterers, and
food trucks in each stopping town are the best places for
our participants to get the best possible dinner at the
best value at because it is their profession to do so.
They are inherently motivated to do a great job in order
to earn and keep your business and their atmosphere
gives the best possible local flavor of each town we stop
One of the best things about having dinner at restaurants
is that you will be able to go and eat
dinner when you want to. You
won't arrive at the end of the ride at the same time as every
other participant, so why should you wait to have dinner
all at the same time? You won't
have to wait to eat all hungry and tired from the
road until a specific serving time, only to wait
in an incredibly long serving line with everyone
else who had to wait for dinner.
We will work closely with the local restaurants in the stopping
towns so that they are expecting and fully prepared for us! Dinners
On Your Own
In larger stopping towns where there are numerous restaurant options available
within a reasonable walking or biking distance from the ending location of the
ride, you will go and get dinner on your own. If not enough restaurants are nearby
we will provide shuttle transportation for you that will run late into the night.
In very small towns with a limited number of restaurant
options we will coordinate a group dinner with a local food
service provider either directly at the ride ending location
or very close to it. Dinners will have a local flavor and
vegetarian options will always be available.
Most participants are usually interested in going to dinner
together to get to know each other a little better and we
will help coordinate this on an informal basis.
Recommended Restaurants
In some stopping towns we have restaurants that
we strongly recommend for dinner. Typically these
are restaurants that we know have nutritious dinners
appropriate for cycling and are friendly and accomodating
to our participants based on years of previous experience.
If dinner if included with an event, it will be
prearranged by us, served at a designated
stopping town, and will always be all-you-can-eat. Where
possible the restaurants are more local, mom
and pop style
Some of the restaurants will have
a buffet set up and others will serve you
individually plated meals. At the non-buffet
restaurants you are free to order all you want if
you are still
hungry after your first plate, but please help
us keep the price of our events low by eating all
Dinners prearranged by us will only be provided
at the supporting restaurant in each
stopping town.
If you
decide to eat dinner at a restaurant
other than our supporting one, you will not receive
a refund for dinner.
The hours of operation for the supporting restaurant
in each stopping town will be listed on the in town
maps. Most of the restaurants will be open when you
arrive in town and if they are not, they will open
very soon.
Menu Items
The dinner menu selection will be simple but very high quality and quantity.
Most dinners will consist of pasta type dishes accompanied by salad and bread.
These types of meals are perfect for the nutritional needs of cyclists since
they are high in carbohydrates, extremely nutritious, and very appetite satisfying.
All dinners will also include non-alcoholic beverages such as iced tea, pop,
or milk.
We will cover the gratuity for all prearranged dinners,
but if you feel that you've received outstanding
service you may certainly leave an additional tip
for the wait staff if feel they provided you outstanding
If you wish to drink alcoholic beverages you will
need to pay for them on your own.
Access Control
We will need to be very strict about making sure only the right people receive
dinners prearranged by us at our supporting restaurants.
All restaurants will always check your wristband
to identify you as a participant and will be strictly
instructed not to serve anyone without a wristband.
Specific procedures at each restaurant will vary,
but may include such actions as checking your ID
against an approved guest list supplied by us to
them and using meal tickets or punch cards which
you will receive in your registration materials.
If meal tickets and/or punch cards are used, they
will be good as cash and cannot be replaced so you
will need to put them in a safe place and do not
lose them. Only a limited number of meal tickets
will be issued and if you lose them you will have
to pay for dinner on your own.