Who is interested in volunteering? (click all
that apply)
My friends and/or family
Other (please specify):
Volunteer Opportunities
Rest Stop Attendant
I am interested in being a rest stop
attendant for the following event(s)
(click all
that apply)
Bicycle Illinois
Tri-State Tour Chicago Century #1
Tri-State Tour Chicago Century #2
RAIL North
RAIL South
Personal Vehicle Usage
I am interested in volunteering the use of
my personal vehicle for the following event(s)
(click all
that apply)
Bicycle Illinois
Tri-State Tour Chicago Century #1
Tri-State Tour Chicago Century #2
RAIL North
RAIL South
If you indicated yes to any event,
please indicate your vehicle's year, make
and model:
How many people can your vehicle carry?
Does your vehicle have a 2 inch tow hitch?
Please indicate any special features
about your vehicle that would be helpful to
know (e.g. bike racks, manual transmission,
diesel, etc.):
additional ideas, comments, questions, or
suggestions regarding volunteer opportunities?
Please indicate any compensation opportunities
in which you may be interested in return for
Event Participation
Bicycle Illinois
Tri-State Tour Chicago Century #1 (includes
return transportation service)
Tri-State Tour Chicago Century #2 (includes
return transportation service)
RAIL North (registration only)
RAIL South (registration only)
I am interested in transportation service
for the following event(s):
Bicycle Illinois - Before the Start of the Event
Bicycle Illinois - After the End of the Event
Tri-State Tour Chicago Century #1
Tri-State Tour Chicago Century #2
RAIL North - From Chicago to Moline Before
the Start of the Event
RAIL North - From Chicago to Moline After the End of the Event
RAIL South - From Vincennes to St. Louis Before
the Start of the Event
RAIL South - From Chicago to St. Louis Before the Start of the Event
RAIL South - From Vincennes to St. Louis After
the End of the Event
RAIL South - From Vincennes to Chicago After the End of the Event
Bicycle Illinois Merchandise
I am interested in the following Bicycle Illinois
merchandise item(s):
Bicycle Illinois Jersey
Bicycle Illinois Water Bottle
Bicycle Illinois T-Shirt
Bicycle Illinois Baseball Hat
Bicycle Illinois Polo Shirt
Any additional ideas, comments, questions,
or suggestions regarding volunteer
compensation opportunities?
other comments, questions, or suggestions?